OnePlus Introduces Exchanges Offers for Its Smartphones in India

OnePlus on Monday announced an exchange/ buyback programme for users for its OnePlus One, OnePlus 2, or OnePlus X smartphones. The Chinese smartphone maker has teamed with ReGlobe for the offer. It is also offering B2X Service and B2X On-Guard Plus service free with the OnePlus 2 and OnePlus X respectively, if the cost of the exchanged smartphone is estimated at more than Rs. 5,000. The scheme will be valid until December 31.
As mentioned by the company, the exchange schemes are of two types - Buy First, Sell Later and Sell First, Buy Next. In both cases, users are first required to get their smartphones valuated by ReGlobe by visiting the dedicated page or registering on OnePlus page. Note, only smartphones from a limited number of brands are accepted by ReGlobe.
In the Buy First, Sell Later scheme ReGlobe will share the invite code for the desired OnePlus smartphone with the user and will also schedule a pick-up of the old handset for a future date. It will then approve the sale of the older device and will alongside receive a confirmation from OnePlus on activation of the invite by the buyer. A page link is then sent to the user to avail the free insurance and an Amazon Gift Coupon that would match the quote of the user's older device within 3-5 working days.
In the Sell First, Buy Next option users can first sell their smartphone to ReGlobe. After the transaction is done, users would receive an invite for their choice of OnePlus smartphone along with an Amazon Gift Coupon that matches the quote of their older device. Customers can choose to receive cash for their exchanged smartphone instead of an Amazon Gift Coupon, however, they will then not get the free bundled insurance or extended warranty.
The OnePlus One also falls under the exchange offer powered by ReGlobe, however, no invite will be provided, and no insurance or extended warranty scheme will be bundled.

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